Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ontario Using A Fake Id

Today in Stockholm two explosions occurred almost simultaneously and at a distance of 200 meters.
This all happened in the middle of Stockholm, along Drottninggatan (Queen Street), a popular street for shopping and more.
Apparently things seem to go like this: a car was detonated with the intent of directing people into one place, then when the bomber detonated sisarebbe so as to cause the greatest number of victims.
Fortunately, only one of the bombs that had exploded, causing him only his own death and injuring some people.
The reason seems to be the causative impeigo of troops in Afghanistan and the silence over the cartoons depicting Muhammad Lars Vilks that were causing much controversy some time ago.
The situation now seems to have tranquillizata, but obviously a bit of fear reigns.
We fortunately were elsewhere today, the Skansen for accuracy, but I must say that these days we passed them by at least 10 times.
For now this is what we know.


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