Thursday, November 11, 2010

Customize You Own Desert Eagle

Sorry for the break!

Sorry for the long absence .. but as often happens to me when I find something I like, I completely fixed! In fact, I spent many days trying to figure a new dye balls .. but unfortunately I have to admit that is not as simple as I thought! The second ball, in fact, dyed with elderberries, almost did not give any results .. a very pale beige .. I was very disappointed! Yet I was convinced that the berries would give bright colors .. Instead, reading better and with the help of a group on Ravelry format by experts in dyeing, I discovered that the berries stain, but do not last long .. After several washes one is left with a gradient!
I also discovered that even to fix the color just is not enough water and vinegar, but we need just a preparation, which apparently is a compound chemical .. since it was taking a turn a bit 'less' natural' ... I quit!
But just happens "to fagiulo" the return of my best friend from London, PhD student in genetics and then who was very expert in chemistry, who was very impressed by the technique of dyeing with natural substances, and so we decided to try again .. I hope, therefore, that with his help and knowledge I will be able to get better results .. I will let you know!
But it was not just dye my only obsession these days: 20 and Nov. 21 at the New Fair of Rome will be the usual appointment with the cat show Magnificat . Io non condivido molto l'idea della selezione delle razze, né mi è piaciuto (l'unica volta che ci sono andata) vedere tutti quei gatti in gabbia.. ma questa volta mi tocca andarci! Eh sì! mi hanno proposto di esporre le mie creazioni con un banchetto :)!! Quindi sto lavorando alacremente per creare qualsiasi cosa che riguardi i gatti, tra cui una cuccia!

Il tempo che mi è rimasto è pochissimo ormai, ma speriamo che venga fuori qualcosa di carino!!


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